Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Good Real Estate Agent?"

You say you want a good real estate agent to help you? Why not a great one?
You need to find an agent who will maximize your experience and results.
With Father's Day in mind, I have used the old acrostic method to list a great agent's attributes...
Go from good to better to BEST with these factors:

R - Respect. There has to be mutual respect between you and the agent. This is a business partnership by all means. Real estate agents often get a bad rap when their services are not respected. You have to have the confidence in him to work hard for you, listen to your needs, requests and input; and you have to have the confidence to take his advice, recommendations, information and direction. Or why else are you paying him that percentage at closing? Go with an agent you'd never diss...thumbs up only!

E- Exposure and "e-marketing." Make sure the agent is well-invested in internet marketing for her listings and agency. The best marketing is electronic- being on the internet Multiple Listing Service (MLS), on sights she subscribes to like Trulia, Zillow, Realtor.com, her own web site, gorgeous photos of listings and thorough virtual tours. The second best exposure after internet? A handsome For Sale sign in your yard.

A- Availability. 24/7. A great agent is always "on call" just like your concierge doctor. To successfully do this he will have an even greater team of staff backing him up.  If you have ever worked for a great businessman, you know much of his success is from hiring and using the best to help him maintain excellence. Weekly updates, showing reports; an agent that keeps you in the loop.

L- Loyalty. An agent should never discriminate. She needs to run an ethical business where every client, regardless of price range, neighborhood, economic status, religion, race, color, gets the same attention and professionalism. A great agent's object is to help people. Period. Why do you think she gets paid for her services?

T- Tried & True. Sometimes "going green" is not so good, especially in real estate. You need an agent who's been around, who knows the art of the deal, often knows the agent at the other end of a transaction, knows the market, knows sellers and buyers out there in the market. Try to avoid using a relative or friend unless they are truly a real estate PRO.

O- Open Houses. Many sellers love open houses. A very low percentage of homes are sold to someone who visits it at an open house, though. More often an open house is a vehicle for the agent to meet perspective buyers he might be able to sell another house to- a great marketing tool. So be wary of an agent who wants your house to camp out and show off every weekend!

R- Routine, Regularity and References. An agent who has a great business plan in place is professional, even, predictable, pulls no surprises and can always be counted on to do what he has successfully done for others. Get references from those who have used this "businessman" and have adhered to his best laid plans to reach their real estate goals with him.

I know a really great Boise-Area real estate agent, the best...
Call me!

Rick Bennett
Best Boise Area Agent

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

U. S. Housing Recovery- Dream or Reality?

Some American Reality for the "American Dream..."
Real Estate all over the country is exchanging hands at a new fast pace, the Boise Area market no exception. But can it last?! What goes up must come down... for these following reasons:

1. It's Investor-Driven-I previously blogged that investors were adding accelerant to the smoking
American Dream or Reality?
hot market and that is making home prices surge with low inventory and creating a renters-only market. When the low interest rates they are jumping on creep on up, the big (and small) investors will pull out. I am already seeing that they are hard pressed to find houses that deliver on the % return they need. When this happens, housing demand will peak and soon wan.

2. It's Hit by Government Sequestration- Any  amount exceeding the budget limit is now being held back by the Treasury and not transferred to the agencies specified in the appropriation bills. It will hit full stride this summer and cuts like unpaid days off for federal workers, reduced unemployment compensation and decreased military spending, combined with the expiration of payroll tax breaks earlier this year, will lead to job and income losses that will drag down the GDP this year. NOT a time for Americans to be flush enough or confident enough to be house hunting...

3. There's Still That Sluggish Employment Recovery- Across the country hiring slowed significantly in March, with just 88,000 jobs added -- the weakest showing since last June, a sign that the economy remains fragile. 500,000 Americans withdrew from the workforce during the month as well, either because they stopped looking for work or retired and stopped drawing unemployment. Discouraged workers threw in the proverbial towel. We all hope the job market forecast is sunny and bright soon.

The Boise Area real estate market is burning for sellers who are ready to list and entertain solid and quick offers!

Buyers looking for homes are practicing their karate- quick reflexes, strong moves and forceful conviction at hitting their target home.

Use a great Real Estate Agent!
Call me,
Rick Bennett
Your Best Boise Area Agent